EGF National Squad Trains With The Best at ETPI

(Dubai, UAE) – The Emirates Golf Federation (EGF) National Squad was hard at work this past weekend (January 15-16, 2016) with the world renowned Jean Jacques Rivet at the European Tour Performance Institute (ETPI) at Jumeirah Golf Estates. Jean Jacques who is based at Terre Blanche near Nice in the South of France is a leader in the field of sports Bio Mechanics and works with many of the worlds leading sports men and women.

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Known to all as JJ, he works on maintaining a sound Bio mechanic platform which allows the body to make and efficient and consistent movement during the swing which in turn helps to prevent injuries and also to achieve better sequencing and foot grounding, which in turn creates better power and accuracy.

JJ and the National Squad were working with US Masters Champion Mike Weir, Raphael Jacquelin and Alexander Levy prior to the Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship, the first event of the Desert Swing.

The EGF National Squad works with JJ on a regular basis. The knowledge gained from these lessons is invaluable. This is timely training, as the UAE National Teams will be traveling Bahrain and Qatar for the GCC Championships in the next two months.

More information on the teams and the events will be released next week.